What if our eyes were opened to see people as God sees them? This morning, I spent some time coaching my co-worker, Eric, telling him how we are bigger than ATN Rwanda. The work we are doing of making disciples has to be generational. After a good conversation, one girl came to our office and […]
Peace House Update
As some of you may know, Rwandan government has closed around 10,000 churches for various reasons (infrastructure, qualified pastors with degrees, ministry, etc.) Some churches will reopen but others will not. The work of disciple making does not depend upon churches with buildings. We are thankful for our group leaders who know that God cannot […]
First Quarter Update
Just a quick update on what is going on here. This first quarter of the year has been a mixture of joy and pain. 1) Three Peace House boys lost their parents. We are thankful for the Peace House community that stayed close to the families and showed them the love of God. 2) The […]
Keep Praying for Us
We pray you are all well and feel covered by God’s love in any situation you might go through. We are thankful that we had a great end of the year and started the New Year feeling refreshed and committed to do the work God has called us to through ATN Rwanda. XM Academy started […]
Multiplying Communities
We are so thankful to God for He has done more than we can imagine and ask for! Our community is growing and we see God at work in many ways. We are ending this year with 14 groups who meet for prayer and Bible study. For 10 years we were in Kicukiro/ Kigali but […]
School Materials
Today was a busy day! School materials distribution to the students and prayers for them as they start school on Monday. We are thankful to God for eight students who performed well in national exam and are starting high school. We are currently serving 26 students in High School and 37 in Primary School. 63 […]
11th Peace House Graduation!
Peace House is celebrating the 11th girls graduation! Can’t believe that 110 girls have been given an opportunity to learn a new skills but most importantly to discover their Creator and their identity in Christ. So many lives changed and glory be to God.Here are a couple of stories that I would like to share […]
United in Marriage
As “Kumva Rwanda 2024” is approaching, we are thankful to God for His faithfulness. ATN’s vision is “Kingdom communities of obedient disciples transforming and redeeming Rwanda.” We have groups in all four provinces of Rwanda meeting regularly for prayer and Discovery Bible Studies. Today, we are celebrating the religious wedding of Charles and Gaudence. They […]
Sewing for a Cause
“Sewing for a Cause” is a project initiated by Peace House ladies in sewing and Handcrafts programs to give back to the community. We all saw the need of some of our Peace House community members who were almost naked. Having one or two Kitenge (a piece of African fabric) only! Ndabona Cooperative gave 100$ […]
Ashes to Beauty
“From ashes to beauty.” Today, Peace house is celebrating the weddings of two former girls!! Each girl has a different story but both of them share some similarities: extremely poverty, family brokenness, rejection, despite their struggle, they chose to follow Jesus and making good decisions. Laurence is pictured joined Peace House in 2015 eight years […]