My heart is very humbled before God because of the miracle work he does among his followers. As the ATN Community Development works with farmers it can take a long time to walk a journey in DBS (Discovery Bible study) in order to find a person of peace. This time God gave us a humble […]
XM Academy is Growing!
ATN Xtra Mile Academy Preschool is growing up! It started as nursery school only but today the first promotion is in grade two and each academy year we are adding a grade up to grade 6 where they will graduate in primary section, the medium (language) of instructions is English and class size is 20 […]
More Baptisms!
This last Saturday ATN Vocational Training Center (welding school) celebrated the baptism of 5 trainees. Each day, before starting the lessons, trainers and trainees have a morning devotion by sharing the Word of God and testimonies. These five young men decided to be baptized so that they may continue to follow Jesus Christ. ~ Aloys […]
Success After Graduation!
This is Theoneste, a former Peace house boy who graduated last year in Civil Engineering/ Land Surveying. He got a job in one big company that is doing rehabilitation of Amahoro National Stadium four months ago. Jean Claude (pictured above) graduated three years ago in High School accounting. He worked as a volunteer radio presenter […]
We are celebrating the baptisms of two brothers and three sisters in Christ today! Jeannette (wearing pink) is a Peace house girl and the other four (Florence, Mutabazi, Kelly na Kellie) are from Nyacyonga Discovery Bible Study group. We are thankful to God for Adeline who opened her home for Discovery Bible Study. She doesn’t […]
“I Almost Quit!!
You can’t imagine how much your love, prayers, and support continuously contributes to the community of Rwanda! This man almost quit the work of farming yet Genesis 2:15 reveals what task and responsibilities God gave Adam and Eve in the Garden. Namely to cultivate and watch over the land in the Kingdom of God. ATN […]
FGW National Training
Recently ATN hosted a Farming God’s Way National training. This training’s goal was to take the FGW tool to another level of raising up disciple making disciples through the work of agriculture. FGW is a tool that can be used with everyone to help farmers increase their land production and become real farmers of God, […]
Charlotte’s Medical Expenses
Many of you know Charlotte Nyirabugingo who works at ATN with our Peace House ministry. She has served with our team for more than a decade, discipling vulnerable families, especially young moms and children. For a number of years, Charlotte’s health has deteriorated. She has gone to many specialists but her health hasn’t improved. Almost […]
2023 Peace House Girls!
Meet the 2023 Peace House girls! (They were supposed to be 10 but one didn’t show up today.) Pray that these girls will experience the love of God, the Father of the fatherless. Seven girls out of nine didn’t have a chance to meet or grow with their fathers!!! Two of them are born from […]
Espérance’s Testimony
Merry Christmas to our friends and partners! ATN Community Development is very grateful to the work God is doing with those who are adopting FGW/SCA principles. These are techniques we use to reach communities of poor farmers. They combine techniques and Biblical principles from selected verses that help farmers to come out of poverty in […]