ATN-Rwanda has started construction of a new building in Bugesera (pictured above and below). It will consist of a dormitory that will house 40+ students from the technical school, including bathrooms, a kitchen, and a dining room area. As the welding and construction school grows, ATN-Rwanda has a need for better housing to meet the demands of students living in a rural area. This dormitory will help ATN-Rwanda be more marketable to other organizations who are interested in helping Rwandans learn a trade and help the school become sustainable. We thank God that we currently have all needed funds to complete this project. It is hoped that the new house will be ready for the incoming class of 2017.
We also plan to purchase land in Kigali to build an ATN-Rwanda hub that Peace House will office out of. Our current location isn’t meeting our needs and rent continues to increase. The new location will be used to continue our daily classes with the ladies program, act as a showroom for the wonderful products ATN-Rwanda is producing and more importantly give us space to host gatherings from our different networks of house churches, families, Disciple Making Movement trainings/meetings, ATN-Rwanda events, English classes, etc. We currently have over half the money needed for this project and we are looking to raise another $30,000.