Peace house officiated the wedding of Valens and Eugenie. Eugenie is the mother of one of the Peace House boys. Eugenie was born and grew up in a non-Christian family of nine kids. She is the fourth in her family and none of them were married legally. Eugenie had been in relationship with different men but failed. She met Valens and they stayed together for several years. They had kids but at a certain time he abandoned her. Eugenie joined Peace House through her son and started reading and studying the Word of God. She gave her life to Jesus. When Valens heard that Eugenie’s life changed, he came back to her and he even accompanied her when she was baptized. Valens appreciated the ministry and community of Peace House and asked me if he could join us. I told him that he was welcome. As Eugenie’s relationship with God kept growing, her relationship with Valens became good and healthy. They decided to be married legally. Valens gave the dowry to Eugenie’s family to honor them as it is in our culture. They did civil wedding and decided that Peace House, as their community church, would officiate their wedding. We are thankful for this union and new journey the couple is starting putting by putting Jesus in the center of their marriage. God is so good!
~ Charlotte Nyirabugingo
(edited and posted from her July 4, 2022 WhatsApp update)