The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!
Psalms 126:3
Dear friends and partners, join us as we thank God for what he has done in and through ATN-Rwanda during 2021!
We witnessed God transforming lives and communities by redeeming what was thought to be irredeemable. On behalf of the ATN-Rwanda community, I would like to thank you for your prayer, encouragement, support and love which you have graciously extended to us. Please join us again in this coming year to serve and expand God’s Kingdom!
~ Charles Kabeza, Executive Director, ATN-Rwanda
Because of your prayer, encouragement and support, ATN-Rwanda witnessed amazing things in 2021!
64 families are now able to put food on the table because of practicing Farming in God’s way. Beyond farming, these families have become a part of a community of believers where holistic transformation is taking a place.
10 teen mothers and girls leaving prostitution have been trained in sewing.
50 families/boys have been counseled to be healthy and Christ centered families.
Around 800 people have been supported to get health insurance (For some of them, it was the very first time to have any kind of medical treatment!)
We have witnessed 16 new births into the Kingdom of God! Nothing brings more joy than welcoming new brothers and sisters into God’s family.
“I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
~ Jesus in Luke 15:10
31 young people graduated from welding training. Most of these young people had only known failure, abandonment and disappointment.
Whenever they joined our community though, they became a part of a family with hope, dignity and joy. Today, they have value and purpose through skills and relationship with Christ.