This morning, we were sharing the Word of God. I gave homework to the girls to memorize the ten commandments. It was a big task for them because all of them dropped out from school.
Each of them took a turn and shared. I congratulated them for that big effort and told them that it is not just memorizing the commandments but we have to obey them. I explained how it is for our benefits. Our relationship with God and others matter. We closed our devotion and the girls went to their workshop.
As I was sitting in my office, our cleaner came and told me that there is a girl who has been crying (she is normally a happy girl) and she did not want to speak. She was screaming and everyone was afraid.
I called her in my office and took her in the prayer room. She cried and cried and I told her that I was ready to listen to her. She said “I am tired of being manipulated by men. I was born from a prostitute, we are seven children from seven different fathers. Everyone from our community said that we will be like our mom. I committed adultery several times and this guy I slept with refused to marry me but he calls me anytime and wants me to continue that affair. I had an abortion, my heart is heavy, I lied because of that guy…”
I explained to her the love and mercy of God as well as read a couple of scriptures from the Bible. We prayed together. Then I asked her how she felt. With a smile on her face, she said, “I feel peace, I see the light.”
I praise God that in this midst of chaos, He keeps drawing people to Himself.
~ Charlotte Nyirabugingo
(edited and posted from her March 16, 2021 Whatsapp update)