Africa Transformation Network – Rwanda (ATN-Rwanda) is a faith based non-profit organization registered in Rwanda since 2008. It was started by a team of locals (nationals) and missionaries (Americans) who were compelled to do something to change the lives of people in Rwanda for Christ after the tragedy of 1994.
It doesn’t take much effort or skill to realize the tragic consequences left in Rwanda after the genocide; and this persists despite the Christian status and names many Rwandans share. We believe that God’s plan for humanity is better than just being called a Christian or attending a local church on a Sunday morning but rather that he desires to transform entire lives.
It was going to be impossible to start this journey without God’s guidance, provision and good partners. It required devoted people, patience, love, prayer, time and money. This has been one of the most joyful and meaningful times for many of us who served in ATN-Rwanda ministries. Despite the many challenges we faced during this journey, God has been our source of passion, courage and inspiration.
ATN-Rwanda’s Vision:
Kingdom Communities of Obedient Disciples Transforming and Redeeming Rwanda
ATN-Rwanda’s Mission:
Transforming lives through Discipleship, Service, Partnership, and Development
ATN-Rwanda’s “Access Ministries” (Peace House, XMM Vocational Training Center, and Community Development) are the portals through which they serve Rwandan communities. These “Access Ministries” provide them with opportunities to build spiritual relationships with Rwandan men and women of peace. You can find more information about ATN-Rwanda through their website @