ATN-Rwanda XMM – Vocational Training School 2016 3rd Quarter Report – Written by Emmanuel Bunani the XMM-VTC Coordinator
First of all, we are thankful and we are really appreciating your prayer and support that you are always giving in order to paint a good future in our community.
For the XMM-VTC school, last quarter was very significant because was the longest and crucial term. We had to cover all theories before we started the final term that covers practices. During those three months we experienced several challenges having students who were sick, which affected class attendance. However, several great things happened including networking our school students families. This has been very effective to reach out the families.
My son used to take drugs, misbehaving for long time before he came to your school. What have you done to change his bad behavior?
Asked by mother of one students Eduard Nsabimana who is among six baptized students. She decided to come and meet our school leaders to ask how her son was transformed. She has been very impressed by his courageous, honest and new good behaviors after joining our school. In fact, he is one of the devotional organizers! We thank God for that mountain moved. Today, Eduard is mobilizing his former friends who are still using drugs to join him to follow Jesus and become a blessing to their communities rather than a burden.
Thanks to everyone who played a role in this journey of bringing shalom in our communities…
We know that your prayers and everything you do are very important.
During this quarter the XMM-VTC:
- Had 24 students attending classes
- Participated in a two day Expo organized by the Bugesera, Rwanda District
- Visited five families of students
- Served one widow in our community (visiting, spending time with her and providing transportation means)
- Development three new products in our production unit